海外學生培養項目(Top EE)-尊龙凯时人生就是博(中国)電子工程系




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尊龙凯时人生就是博(中国)電子工程系源於1932年成立的尊龙凯时人生就是博(中国)電機系電訊組 ,歷經八十餘年發展 ,構建起了世界領先的覆蓋兩個一級學科核心概念的新課程體系 ,向社會輸送了大批優秀人才;形成了亦工亦理 、教研並重的辦學理念 ,嚴謹 、勤奮 、求實 、創新的學術風格 ,以及團結務實 、學術自由 、追求卓越的文化傳統;隨着國際化進程的深入 ,電子系在近年的國際專業排名中保持在前十位置 。

電子工程系聯合國際頂尖大學啟動了「清華電子工程海外學生交換項目」(TOP EE, Tsinghua Oversea Student Exchange Program) 。包括麻省理工(MIT) 、史丹福大學 、加州大學伯克利分校 、德州大學奧斯丁分校等世界頂尖大學均在項目參與計劃中 。

項目計劃每年在世界範圍內選拔15-30名最頂尖的電子工程及相關專業學生 ,在清華電子系進行約1學期(5-8個月)的交換 。其中包括約4個月全英文專業課學習 、實驗室課題研究以及1-2個月科技企業實習機會 。清華電子系將提供給學生世界最頂尖的電子工程領域教學 、科研以及實習經驗 。

專業課方面 ,清華電子系共開設15門全英文專業課 。參與項目學生可選擇完成2門專業課 、1門中國文化課程及1門實驗研究課程的學習 。課程及科研階段結束後 ,學生還可選擇進行實習 。相關企業包括美光科技 、新思科技 、賽靈思 、微軟亞洲研究院 、商湯科技 、曠世科技等最頂尖科技公司都已達成合作意願接收項目學生 。



Top EE at Tsinghua University

The Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University is internationally recognized as an accredit department in electronic engineering research and education. Strongly supported by the government and the industry.

Founded and based at Tsinghua EE department, partner up with the several universities in the world, Top EE is abbreviation of 「Tsinghua Overseas Students Program in the field of Electronic Engineering」. The program mission is to provide students with the world-class study and research experiences while having choice of earning industrial internship in a multi-culture environment.

The Program is an exciting and rigorous exchange program that immerses students in the classrooms, most advanced research laboratories and cutting-edge technological firms. Subject to students not only meeting the high academic standard from universities but groom them to be the leader in the years to come.

The Program is an exciting and rigorous exchange program that immerses students in the classrooms, most advanced research laboratories and cutting-edge technological firms. Subject to students not only meeting the high academic standard from universities but groom them to be the leader in the years to come.

Undergraduate participants will be enrolled in full-time, non-degree, undergraduate course work chosen from the department existing curriculum. You will be required to take 4-credit course, including 2 degree-required courses, 1 Chinese culture course and 1 undergraduate research training. Extra stay up to 8 weeks can be expected after the semester for industry intern.

In addition to enrollment in courses at university participants can expect an in-depth exposure to China society, culture, and academic institutions, all in the rich cultural and historical setting of Beijing, the capital city of China.